How to write journal paper
Question Of Policy Topics
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Fiscal Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Financial Policy - Essay Example From the exploration it tends to be understood that monetary strategy alludes to the methods utilized by the legislature in spending and tax collection to screen or impact the economy. As it were, the administration needs to change its degree of spending to impact the economy. This monetary instrument is utilized by the administration every year to deal with its economy to help the residents. The duty suggestions on the nation’s spending plan have various surmisings to various gatherings of individuals inside society. Financial arrangement centers for the most part around the monetary changes in government income and consumption and their effect upon nation’s economy. Duty and consumption are the fundamental financial arrangement instruments. Be that as it may, the most strong monetary instrument utilized by a legislature is tax assessment. Tax collection has prompted decrease of utilization, expands speculations, and take into consideration the exchange of government a ssets to financial turn of events. Tax collection has effect on the general degree of yield by adjusting the motivators that establishments experience. Tax assessment is forced by government to cut the expense of administration and public administrations. Tax collection additionally encourages asset re-designation, and improves the advancement through evenhanded riches dissemination, to upgrade monetary development and advancement. This additionally guarantees monetary steadiness by amending and controlling macroeconomic stuns which are both strategy incited or exogenous. Consequently, we can comprehend the hole between the degree of consumption and tax assessment. At the point when the administration income is high, the liquidity trap increments in the cash flexibly, which doesn't add to the improvement of monetary development because of descending weight experienced in venture (in view of inhumanity of loan fee contrasted with cash gracefully) (Alesina and Tabellini 2005). Moreove r, this may likewise happen when the administration consumption outperforms income. The most significant factor to consider in such a case isn't the degree of the shortfall yet the change that goes with the deficiency. Financial strategy is a significant instrument that is utilized to screen government’s economy because of its effect on GDP (Alesina and Tabellini 2005). Monetary arrangement has been related with the utilization of tax assessment and open use to impact the degree of financial exercises. The usage of monetary arrangement is diverted through government’s budget.â A significant part of an open spending plan is its utilization as an instrument in the administration of a nation’s economy (Alesina and Tabellini 2005). During monetary downturn, the administration plans for spending deficiency which is regularly alluded to as expansionary financial approach. In such a circumstance, charges are decreased with a resulting increment in the administration consumption, and during discouragement, or monetary blast, the legislature may settle on a spending surplus to hinder the economy. This suggests through decrease in charges, the buying intensity of people is upgraded and the expense of creation of laborers diminishes, in this manner improving their size of activities in the business cycle. Then again, increments in open use when successfully utilized can lead into improved advancements in the nation’s foundation. Subsequently, there is an expansion when all is said in done government assistance and spots the economy on the way of development. This clarifies the main effect of monetary arrangement on improving the requests for products and enterprises. The total requests make it a significant instrument for a government’s financial adjustment. Monetary development has influences the yield level and has suggestions on a country’s reserve funds. Hence, in monetary extension, the legislature will be compelled to les sen reserve funds, which is comparable to a spending excess. The decrease in monetary deficiencies may prompt increment in local creation. Besides, it might prompt stable swapping scale that ought to be sought after as methods for controlling expansion in a country. 2. With the guide of a chart, appear and clarify how financial approach can be utilized to move
Friday, August 21, 2020
The land of Palestine Free Essays
string(25) of the State of Israel. The place where there is Palestine is viewed as heavenly for the Muslims and the Jews, the Jews think about it as the guaranteed country from god. The contention between the Israelis and the Palestinians goes back to the hour of the Ottoman Empire during the 1880s. Around then, the Muslim Arabs transcendently occupied the place where there is Palestine where as the Arab Christians and the Jews were available in littler gatherings. We will compose a custom paper test on The place where there is Palestine or on the other hand any comparable subject just for you Request Now It was the possibility of the Promised Land, which enlivened the Jews to come and settle in the place where there is Palestine. It was in Europe where the early Zionist development began which advanced the possibility of Jews having a â€Å"state of their own†which ought to be in the Land of Israel (Palestine). In 1897 the World Zionist Organization was established by Herlz â€Å"declared that the point of Zionism was to build up ‘a national home for the Jewish individuals made sure about by open law’†¦ this thought started progressively articulated among Jews and got gigantic help from the West in light of the mobs against Jews which demonstrated dangerous for the Jews . The mass killings of the Jews by the Nazis during World War II wherein around six millions Jews were savagely killed under the standard of Hitler considering it the Final Solution of the Jewish Question. These executing by the Nazis heightened the global help for the making of a country for the Jews. The Zionist development ignored a central point before advancing the possibility of a state in Palestine, which was that another individuals, the Muslim Arabs, effectively involved it. All the more curiously, the West and Europe likewise overlooked this essential issue this was because of the way that thought of a Jewish state pulled in the British for strict just as handy purposes. It was 1917 in which the British armed force assumed responsibility for Palestine from the Ottoman Empire and around the same time Balfour, statement was passed which was viewed as a guarantee made by Britain to the Jews for additional expanding its endeavors for a Jewish national home in Palestine. A point that will be noted here is that after the subsequent world war Jews made a 33% of the absolute populace in Palestine where as in 1922 they were a negligible 11%. They saw the expanding number of Jews in their country as a trick against them and their country the Jews were viewed as outcasts. They additionally turned out to be significantly impacted by the European enemy of Semitism and embraced numerous thoughts and cases of Holocaust deniers just as the counter Zionist belief system of radical Jewish learned people. The recently made UN proposed partitioning the nation into two one for the Arabs and the other part for the Jews, and Jerusalem was to be doled out as a corpus separatum meaning a worldwide city. The Jewish people group acknowledged the arrangement as they don't had anything to lose, in certainty they were finally accomplishing what they have constantly needed, and the Palestinians then again considered it to be a division of their country. Not long after this proposed UN plan, a war between the Palestinians and the Jews began in the start of the December of 1947. The condition intensified in January when the Arab Liberation Army and help from Egypt came in, as Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni who interceded with a few hundred of his men of the Jaysh al-Jihad al-Muqaddas. The Jewish specialists were subsidized by supporters in US and significantly helped by Stalin. This war additionally denotes the slaughter of the Arabs by the Jewish armed force and the ejection of around 250000 Palestinians to leave their nation and take asylum in the neighboring nations. Increasingly effective Jewish offensives made a unified front around Jerusalem. The Jews proclaimed the province of Israel on 14 May 1948 precisely a day prior to the British Mandate of Palestine was to be terminated, besides its prompt acknowledgment by the Soviet Union, the United States, and other Western nations, maddened the Arab States extraordinarily. 'In this way throughout the following barely any days the recently made state was assaulted by the consolidate powers of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Egypt, the state which has taken the privilege of the Arab country and in way this ends up being correct too in light of the fact that it was the Jews who were the workers. This activity was announced as an unlawful animosity by the US and the Soviet Union though China supported the Arab cause. Volunteers from both the United States and Canada upheld the Israeli armed force. The result of the war was a catastrophe for the Arab States and the Israeli powers figured out how to ensure their region as well as extended their possessions. In 1949 Israel marked harmony settlements with the Arab states and the new fringes presently was half more than what the UN segment plan proposed. Egypt controlled the hold of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank was heavily influenced by Tran Jordan. War brought about the dislodging of around 711,000 Palestinians from their homes, a proposed figure by the UN. Albeit an UN goals was passed which permitted the outcasts to get back however by one way or another the goals was totally disregarded which made the significant Palestinian Refugee Crisis and the West also bombed too react. Finally the fantasy of Zionism was accomplished despite the fact that it denoted a noteworthy change in the condition of the Jews I. e. the previous â€Å"oppressed were presently the oppressors†and as later on the further executing and slaughter of the Palestinians, including ladies and kids will affirm the realness of the announcement. Writing Review: Avi Shalaim wrote in his book, The legislative issues of parcel, 1921-1951: King Abdullah, the Zionists, and Palestine, â€Å"The conflict among Arabs and Jews in Palestine is one of the most profound, gravest, and most extended universal clashes of current occasions. It is hard to envision more severe hostility than that between the Arabs and Jews during the decades paving the way to and following the development of the State of Israel. You read The place that is known for Palestine in class Papers Indeed, the Arab-Israeli clash has once in a while been depicted as a ‘pure’ strife, in other words one in which the interests of the two prot-agonists are totally and angrily contradicted. †For years now innumerable disasters have been experienced on the two sides, most of which the Palestinians have experienced which incorporates the heartless murdering of even youngsters by the Israeli powers and the destruction of the Palestinian houses. The Palestinians then again answer to this sort of Israeli monstrosities by any accessible methods this may incorporate rocket assaults on Jewish settlements or self destruction bombings. Palestinians are continually attempting to recover this region using any and all means conceivable, and afterward come the issue of the Palestinian displaced people who in spite of having their own country are being compelled to live in neighboring nations since Israel won't recognize them. The worldwide network and the UN have condemned Israel on many occasions on track killings and human rights infringement yet Israel appears to be unyielding. The main route through this contention as the universal network or the West observed was to furnish the Palestinian with a country and to convince Israel to leave the Arab regions. There had been settlements and accords for this reason over the past numerous years, the principal conspicuous among them were Camp David Accords which was started by the President of US Jimmy Carter. The understanding was concurred between the President of Egypt and the head administrator of Israel Menachem Begin. Two understandings were marked among Egypt and Israel the structure comprised of three sections. The initial segment laid out to set up a self overseeing expert in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and to actualize the UN goals 242, which called for â€Å"the foundation of a fair and enduring harmony in the Middle East†to be accomplished by â€Å"the use of both the accompanying principles:†. â€Å"Withdrawal of Israeli military from domains involved in the ongoing conflict†and: â€Å"Termination all things considered or conditions of belligerency†. The second piece of the understanding was worried about the relations among Israel and Egypt. The third part characterized to standards whereupon Israel should improve its relations with neighboring Arab nations. Egyptian power was to be practiced on the universally perceived outskirt among Egypt and the commanded Palestine. The withdrawal of Israeli powers from Sinai and the utilization of runways by Israel al-Arish, Rafah, Ras en-Naqb, and Sharm el-Sheik for regular citizen purposes as it were. The privilege of free entry by boats of Israel through the Gulf of Suez and the Suez Canal dependent on the Constantinople Convention of 1888 applying to all countries. The Strait of Tiran and Gulf of Aqaba are universal conduits to be available to all countries for unrestricted and non suspend capable opportunity of route and over flight. The development of a roadway between the Sinai and Jordan close Eilat with ensured free and serene section by Egypt and Jordan; and the positioning of military powers were additionally settled upon in the understanding. The consenting to of this arrangement activated enough contempt for Sadat in the Arab world that he was killed as he was viewed as a trickster to the Palestinian reason. Israel extraordinarily profited by this agreement when contrasted with Egypt since tranquility on the fringe implied that the Israeli powers could now bring down their alarm level. The harmony understanding was likewise observed as an understanding between the Israelis and the President of Egypt simply because his kin or the remainder of the Arab world, which his death affirmed, didn't share his perspectives. Maybe the most eminent advance in the harmony procedure was the Oslo procedure in 1993, in which a system for the future relations between the Israelis and the Palestinians were worked out. A US president, Bill Clinton this time, PLO’s Chairman Yasser Arafat speaking to Palestine an
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
What Is Character vs. Supernatural Conflict Learn About The Literary Conflict with Examples
Pitting characters against phenomena like ghosts, or monsters raises the stakes of a conflict by creating an unequal playing field. Supernatural conflict is usually reserved for genre writing, however these otherworldly characters are also memorable foils in literary fiction.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The American Society for Public Administrations Code of...
Many individuals in the contemporary society have trouble directing all of their efforts toward the wellbeing of the institution they work in. These people find it difficult to refrain from performing unethical acts as long as they know they can profit from the enterprise and that they are unlikely to get caught performing these respective acts. The person in the A Story on Outside Business video obviously has no problems with using government property with the purpose of achieving her personal goals. As a public administrator, an individual needs to make decisions that reflect on the institution he or she works in and thus has to put across ethical thinking in order to be able to perform his or her job with little to no hindrances. The fact that there are a series of laws that prohibit performing outside business while working as a public administrator makes it possible to understand that the woman in the video has no problems with exploiting her position, regardless of the fact that her behavior is unethical. The American Society for Public Administrations Code of Ethics has several points that denounce the presence of outside business in the case of public administrators and it is very likely that the person in the video was well-acquainted with these respective points. 1. Advance the Public Interest. Promote the interests of the public and put service to the public above service to oneself. The woman did not consider this point, taking into account that she wasShow MoreRelated Media Portrayal of Environmental Risk Essay2931 Words  | 12 Pagestransmittal of information regarding environmental risk is disseminated by the media and accepted by society exposes an evident quandary. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Theme Of Montresor And A Cask Of Amontillado - 1272 Words
Vengeance is monster, a monster that can grasp you and bring you to the depths of your soul; it can control you like no one else can. Vengeance has grasped characters as well, characters like the sadistic Montresor, and an utterly conflicted man. Edgar Allan Poe’s short story â€Å"A Cask of Amontillado†depicts a murderer, a vengeful soul, and a sadist, this man is Montresor. Montresor decides to seek revenge for an inexcusable act of insult from his dear friend, by trapping him deep inside the catacombs, with no one to hear. Similar to Poe’s short story, â€Å"A Poison Tree†from William Blake displayed a conflicted man who is happy, sad, and finally angry. Once his anger overtakes him he decides to please his instinct and murder the foe he was†¦show more content†¦Such detail put into the description of these catacombs cause the reader to ponder the awful, and rancid areas that succumbing to your inner rage can take you. Revenge to Montresor br ings him through â€Å"walls of piled bones†(376), in which to a reader, can thoroughly terrify them and pressure them into not ending up the same way, or not letting their instincts conquer their conscious. Blake uses a very similar imagery, the pleasing display of someone who has fallen due to unsuppressed vengeance. The main character of â€Å"A Poison Tree†endures a very conflicting time, a time where his rage becomes a small sapling and he â€Å"water’d it in fears†, â€Å"sunned it with smiles†till finally his rage was ready and strong enough to explode. This man’s rage envelops him and he finally pleases his rage and murders his enemy, leading to the image of his â€Å"foe outstretched below the tree†, otherwise known as the blossomed tree of his revenge. The eventual image of his murdered foe blissfully outstretched below the main characters rage is very difficult to read and imagine without the discouragement of be pushed that far as well, even while that anger may not end in such drastic measures. Describing the scene of the foe below his metaphorical tree put fear into the reader, and makes it clear that the author is attempting the discourage the reader fromShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Cask Of Amontillado 945 Words  | 4 PagesDenita Kumar Michael Frangos ENG 112 September 3, 2014 Revenge and Irony A friendship is based on trust, but do we truly know anyone in the way we think? In â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†written by Edgar Allan Poe, a man named Fortunato is about to find out what kind of ‘friend’ Montresor really is. Montresor shows himself to be friendly with Fortunato, but deep down he feels nothing but hate for him. In different ways, both of these men are proud and appear upper class, yet both have faults whichRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allen Poe851 Words  | 4 PagesThe truth about â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†Do hate someone, but act like they are your best friend to get something that you want from them? Edgar Allen Poe does in his story â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†as he uses Montresor to tell Fortunato’s journey to catacombs and how he â€Å"conceives and executes an ingenious plan... for revenging†Fortunato (Gruesser 129). In â€Å"The cask of Amontillado†Poe uses tone, plot devices, and the setting to present the theme of appearances masking reality. To begin, PoeRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe920 Words  | 4 Pagesis Bitter Sweet A friend is someone that is trustworthy, but what happens when that trust no longer exists? In â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†written by Edgar Allan Poe, Fortunato is about to find the answer to this question. On the surface, Montresor seems friendly with Fortunato, but deep down he feels nothing but hate for him. Could this hatred have an irrationality that only Montresor understands? In different ways, both of these men are proud and affluent, yet both have downfalls that will lead toRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Cask Of Amontillado 982 Words  | 4 Pages The Cask of Amontillado (p. 1846) Kaylie Turner The short story, â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†is very much influenced by the author’s life. Edgar Allen Poe never knew his parents; his mother died when he was three and his father left him. In consequence, he went to live with John and Frances Allen, in Richmond, Virginia. When, the Allens wouldn’t give him enough money to go to the University of Virginia, he gambled to pay his tuition and ended up in debt. This was atrocious for him, but more adversityRead MoreThe Theme of Revenge in â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†Essay1629 Words  | 7 PagesEdgar Allan Poe’s â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†is a frightening and entertaining short story about the severe consequences that result from persistent mockery and an unforgiving heart. Poe’s excellent use of Gothicism within the story sets the perfect tone for a dark and sinister plot of murder to unfold. â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†simply overflows with various themes and other literary elements that result from Poe’s Gothic style of writing. Of these various themes, one that tends to dominant the storyRead MoreCompare And Contrast The Cask Of Amontillado And A Poison Tree1174 Words  | 5 Pages(Poe 1) Revenge plays one of the biggest roles in The Cask of Amontillado and A Poison Tree. Edgar Allen Poe is the author of The Cask Of Amontillado, and William Blake is the poet who wrote A Poison Tree. The authors Poe and Blake use conflict and setting to convey the theme that suppressed anger sometimes induces revenge which can result in explosive violence. The setting in A Cask of Amontillado and in A Poison Tree is used to convey the theme and reveals the chain of suppressed anger, revengeRead MoreThe Cask Of Amontillado By Edgar Allan Poe906 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†was written in 1846, by Edgar Allan Poe. Born in 1809, Poe never knew any of his parents. At the age of three, his mother died of tuberculosis, and his father deserted the family before he was born. Taking care of him was his foster parents in Richmond, Virginia. They loved Poe, but were not supportive of his decisions and kept Poe poor. Having debt and not being able to provide food and clothes for himself caused Poe to quit school. Later, heRead MoreThe Masque of the Red Death vs. the Cask of Amontillado1564 Words  | 7 Pagesthe Red Death vs. The Cask of Amontillado â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death†and â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†written by Edgar Allan Poe are somewhat different. The major themes of these stories differ significantly, as does the emphasis placed on each character which dealt more to The Cask of Amontillado†than to â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death†Regardless of this, the stories are similar in many ways. For instance, both belong to the literacy of the gothic genre, it shared a small theme, and the charactersRead MorePsychological Criticism Of The Cask Of Amontillado1286 Words  | 6 PagesEdgar Allan Poe: The Cask of Amontillado Psychoanalysis is the search for evidence for unresolved emotions, psychological conflicts, and whatever else may be hidden in perplexing literary works. Psychoanalytic criticism showcases what has been suppressed by the author’s conscious mind. The author’s sexual conflicts, family life, childhood traumas will be camouflaged in symbolism. One story that lends itself particularly well to this form of criticism is The Cask of Amontillado and throughout the storyRead MoreCompare And Contrast The Cask Of Amontillado And Man In The Well959 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†by Edgar Allen Poe and â€Å"Man in the Well†by Ira Sher are two short stories that are alike in many ways as well as different. Both stories share the theme of confinement which is central to the stories and a trapped victim who is tricked many times. Along with their similarities, the short stories also have differences such as the mindset of the perpetrator and the soc ial classes within which the stories are set. To begin with, â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†is a story of revenge
None Provided1 Essay Summary Example For Students
None Provided1 Essay Summary Thesis: Military aircraft has become more sophisticated in variety, effectiveness in war situations, and special maneuvering techniques in recent years. Military aircraft has become more sophisticated in variety, effectiveness in war situations, and special maneuvering techniques in recent years. With the advance of stealth technology, many new and very effective aircraft have been developed. The F-117A was used during Operation Dessert Storm and every plane came back without a scratch. The very expensive B-2 stealth bomber has never been used in actual war, but during testing it was a success. The Advanced Tactical Fighter program was started to make an aircraft that could supercruise, the ability to cruise at supersonic speeds, and didnt cost very much. The YF-22 and YF-23 were the first planes to accomplish this. With all the planes we know of, there are also top secret programs probably going on right now. A new fighter that has never been heard of before has been spotted. As Joh n Welch, the assistant secretary of Air Force said, Stealth gives us back that fundamental element of war called surprise (Goodall 9). After it was found that aircraft could be very useful in war, it was used for large scale reconnaissance. Then people started to add bombs to aircraft and then airplanes started to become an essence of war. After World War 2, new bombers were developed with fast speed, and could travel far distances. They could also carry nuclear bombs and missiles. The use of the bomber aircraft then led to the fighter, which was equipped with guns and missiles. Helicopters were also found to be good strike aircraft. They were armed with cannons, machine guns, rockets, torpedoes, and a variety of missiles. Vertical takeoff made the helicopter an advantage. The first flight of the F-117A was in June of 1981 in Groom Lake test facility. The total cost for the development of the F-117A was just under two billion dollars, but it only cost $43 million to make each plane. It became operational in October of 1983 and was the first operational stealth aircraft ever built. The F-117A is a night attack plane powered by two, nonafterburning General Electric engines. F-117As were designed for first-strike capabilities and to be able to fly into any countries airspace undetected. The primary task of the F-117A is to break through enemy airspace, destroy high value targets, and return back unharmed. They were considered to first be used in several different tasks, but werent used until Operation Dessert Storm where they did an excellent job. As Donald Rice, Secretary of the Air Force, said, Everyone now agrees the F-117 was a real bargain (9). During Operation Dessert Storm the F-117As were found out to be very successful. The war began on January 16, 1991 when the F-117A fighters entered the Iraqi airspace on their way to downtown Baghdad. There were 43 of them over the skies of Iraq and not one was lost even though they went against one of the most modern air-defense systems in the world. Operation Dessert Storm was the largest aerial bombing attack in war history. It was also the first time a stealth aircraft was used as a main weapon. On the first day of Dessert Storm the Lockheed F-117As dropped sixty-two 2,000 pound bombs on Baghdad destroying the most critical targets of the Iraqi military, including the headquarters of the Iraqi air force. Weve seen that not only does stealth work, but that it puts fewer assets at risk and saves lives (9), as Donald Rice said. The pilots of those F-117As flew through the hardest anti-aircraft missiles any pilot has ever flown through. When you think of stealth, most people probably think of B-2 stealth bomber, but most people dont realize that it hasnt even been used in a real war situation yet. In November of 1987 the Pentagon ordered the first four B-2s to be built for $2 billion. Each B-2 cost $437.4 million to build. After the military liked the bomber, they originally ordered 133 of them, then they cut back to 75 because of the deficit-reduction bill. Then, in 1992, the House of Representatives voted to buy only twenty, and later only 15 saying that 10 would be enough. With four General Electric engines with 19,000 pounds of thrust each, the B-2s were made to carry a lot of weight. The Advanced Technology Bomber, as it was called, was made so it couldnt be spotted by enemy radar. After testing it was found out that it is almost impossible to track it constantly using radar. The B-2s were designed to be an all-flying wing and it is made up of over eighty percent of composite materials. The B-2 is 69 feet long, has a wingspan of 172 feet, and 17 feet in height. They also can carry a payload of 40,000 pounds and can travel at mach 0.85 (Jones 86). The B- 2 can carry 80 bombs, including nuclear bombs. All fifteen of the B-2s are assigned to Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri and await to be used in actual combat. In 1983 the Advanced Tactical Fighter program office was formed at Wright- Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. The Air Force wanted to build an aircraft that had the ability to supercruise without the use of afterburners or running out of fuel in a couple of minutes. It should be able to cruise at mach 1.4 or 1.5 and be able to take off on runways less then 2,000 feet long. Since the money was starting to get tight, the Advanced Tactical Fighter should cost under $40 million each to build. To come up with this aircraft, the Military gave a contract to both Northrop and Lockheed to each build it with these specifications. The Air Force wanted an air-superiority fighter to replace the Douglass F-15 Eagle. In 1986 the Air Force gave a contract to Northrop and Lockheed who would each build two Advanced Tactical Fighter prototypes. The Northrop YF-23 made its first flight in August 1990. It was powered by a Pratt and Witney F-119-PW engine. The YF-23 can hold four AIM-120 missiles. The YF-22 prototype made its first flight in September of 1990 an d became the first to pass the Air Forces supercruise specification. It could reach mach 1.58 and faster. The YF-22 has three weapon bays that can each carry two air-to-air missiles. Both fighters can supercruise at speeds of Mach 1.5 to 1.7. Their top speeds are classified but they can most likely go over Mach 2. In April of 1991 the Air Force had to decide which plane they wanted, they chose the Lockheed YF-22 even though the YF-23 was more stealthy and could go faster. A new swing-wing stealth aircraft has been spotted undergoing test. In September of 1994 it was seen circling high over Anarillo, Texas. While it was circling, a radio scanner picked up a military UHF channel with the call sign Omega. This call sign has never been heard before. The pilot was talking about a hydraulic malfunction and was saying he was dumping fuel to prepare for an emergency landing. If there is a new plane like this, it will probably be called the A-17 and will replace the F-111 which has been in s ervice since 1967. Recently there have been millions of dollars spent expanding the Cannon Air Force Base and a new plane might be undergoing testing there. It has also been said that high ranking officials have gathered there to look at the new aircraft. The Pentagon has announced that the F-111 will be retired by the end of 1995. The new swing-wing aircraft spotted will most likely replace it. Swing-wing aircraft add weight and make a plane more complex, but give many advantages. When the wing is swung forward the plane can travel farther and can land and takeoff on shorter runways. When swung forward it can reach supersonic speeds. It was noticed that the new airplane spotted was armed with bombs and self-defense missiles. The A-17 has many things in common with the YF-23 like the air inlets and the humps on top of the fuselage that hide its engines. The engines on it are probably General Electric YF-120 turbo fan-turbojet engines which can reach speeds up to Mach 2. One of the b est recent advances has been in the area of flight guidance and control such as the pilotless plane or drone. The Firebee is a pilotless plane that can be controlled by ground, plane, or by a computer. It can fly following a preset course and return. Another advance is vertical takeoff. It is a big advantage when an airplane can land and takeoff almost anywhere. The British were the first to design it, but we built prototypes right away. With the advance of stealth technology, radar avoidance has become very important. If the enemy doesnt know you are coming then they wont even know what hit them if we want to attack them. When Donald Rice said, Stealth saves lives, money, and does the job better (Goodall 10), he was right. Operation Dessert Storm showed us that. With the many advances of military aircraft, it has become a main and effective part of war in recent years. 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Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Mental Retardation Essays - Rare Diseases, , Term Papers
Mental Retardation In order to be considered mentally retarded, you must have an IQ below 75, have significant limitations in two or more adaptive skill areas, and the condition is present from childhood (defined as age 18 or younger). People can be mentally retarded as all different levels. About 78% of mentally retarded people will only be a little slower than the average person, while in others it is very apparent (Arc of New Jersey). There are many causes of mental retardation. One cause of mental retardation is of genetic conditions. That includes; abnormal gene mixes from parents, errors when genes combine, overexposure to x-rays, and many more reasons. More than 500 genetic diseases are associated with mental retardation. Down Syndrome is an example of a chromosomal disorder (Mental Retardation Issues). Chromosomal disorders occur every once in a while, and are caused by too many or too few chromosomes in the restructure of the chromosomes (The Arc of New Jersey). Another cause is problems during pregnancy. It could happen if the mother drinks or does drugs while pregnant with the baby. Other risks include malnutrition, certain environmental contaminants, and the mother could get ill during the pregnancy. Pregnant women who are infected with HIV may pass it on to their child. Also very stressful and physical pregnancies and births can cause damage to a child's brain (Introduction to Mental Retardation). Mental Retardation also occurs frequently after birth. Childhood diseases such as big coughs, chicken pox, measles, and hip disease, which may lead to meningitis and encephalitis, can damage the brain, as can accidents such as being hit in the head, near drowning situations, and most other accidents involving the head. Another that can be harmful to a child mentally is environmental fumes, lead, mercury, and other dangerous toxins (Introduction to An American History of Mental Retardation). Bibliography Introduction to An American History of Mental Retardation. 3-28-00. Introduction to Mental Retardation. 2-25-00. Mental Retardation Issues. 2-27-00. The Arc of New Jersey. What is MR. 2-27-00.
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